Tuesday, June 10, 2014

childhood short story

I flew home for a day to attend a friend's wedding. While sitting at home, I took the opportunity to poke around in my room and look through my old notebooks and I happened to come across one of the first stories I ever wrote when I was in first grade:

 Translation with grown up grammar and spelling:

"We landed, Captain Dylan."
"We did? Where?"
"On Mars," I say.
"Let's go out and see what it is like," said Captain Dylan.
"Look out, Captain!"
"Look out nothing. Oh no! Quick sand! Help me Adriana, Heather, Mitch, Kristin, Ryan, and Katharine!"
"No way, you boss us around too much. Come on, gang. Let's go. Hey, Peewee, I didn't know you were here."
They flew away, crashed into Tina trying to steal Peewee's bike in the basement in the Alamo. He said goodbye to us and then rode off.
We walked and walked and then a monster came. And it was the Buchanan's cousin. His name was Max. He told bad things like "I cut him in the peepee" and "I cut his butt in a million pieces".
So he went to Alcatraz and his big brother had to take him there.
Max said "hi" very quiet and Alcatraz went BOOM! And everybody had to go to another jail.

Obviously, I peaked at a very young age.

much love,

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