Monday, September 16, 2013

true crime piece

Yesterday was the anniversary of Agatha Christie's birthday, and to celebrate, I got published in Crime Magazine.

This is the story of a man who went to jail for over 15 years for a crime he did not commit.

 "On September 30, 1979, after a hamburger run to a nearby Jack in the Box, Kevin Lee Green returned home at 1:30 find his pregnant wife Dianna unconscious in their Tustin, California apartment, suffering from a severe blow to her forehead. She was rushed to a hospital where an obstetrician was able to detect a fetal heartbeat. But within a few hours, the placenta detached, and their daughter died in the womb. An emergency C-Section saved Dianna’s life. Whatever relief Green could find in his wife’s survival was extinguished when he was arrested three months later for assault with a deadly weapon and second-degree murder due to the death of his nearly full-term daughter.

A cashier at the Jack in the Box confirmed Green’s alibi, and police reports noted that the hamburgers were still warm when the first responders arrived on the scene. Green reported seeing an African-American man loitering in the apartment complex as he left to get the hamburgers, yet Green went to trial when his wife identified him as the perpetrator."

Read the rest of the article here.

much love,

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