Saturday, January 21, 2017

inflatable t-rex

January 15: One of my Spanish apps taught me how to say “I am a cat. Do you need money?” in Spanish today (Soy un gato. Necessitas dinero?). So that’s helpful.

January16: AmeriCrops had mandatory community service for MLK Jr Day. I got put to sanding and paining a porch for four-hours straight. Other people from our team got to man the tables, helping to make flower crowns for children or passing out free condoms.

January 17: Robert cried today when I told him we would have outdoor recess and he thought it was too cold to go outside. Ten minutes later, he cried again when I told him that recess would run short because we were running late for our electives. (The next morning, he glared at me while waiting for the rest of the after school students and told me that he told his mom about how I took away his recess. He continued to glower at me with the self-satisfaction of a person who was convinced they could get me fired whenever they felt inclined to.)

January 18:The cafeteria served cucumbers at snack today. My girls skipped eating them and instead laid back on the benches with two slices placed on their eyelids and pretended to have a spa day in the middle of the crowded cafeteria.

January 19: Abel was two cards away from beating Shanah at Uno. He giggled and could barely contain his glee. “I can almost smell the taste of victory!”

January 20: Skye was trying to figure out what time the inauguration would take place to see if she could watch it on TV or if she would be working then. We finally decided that we would know the inauguration had happened when you felt a sudden chill running through your body.

January 21: The peaceful protesters slowly marched through the steady drizzle down Market Street. Most people were not prepared for the weather and their posters with catchy rainbow phrases were running down onto their exposed wrists. Women belong in the resistance. Girls just want to have FUNdamental rights. An inflated T-rex stumbling over the potholes, clutching a sign that read "Evolve".

much love,

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