Saturday, January 7, 2017

second choice

Fear not, friends, I am alive and well. I started a new job awhile back and once you read my daily brief vignettes and get to know my students a bit better, I think you'll understand why I had to abandon the internet for so long.

January 1: On the Grapevine, about 50 cars were pulled over to the side of the road so that families could have a spontaneous snowball fight with the drifts still lined along the highway.

January 2: Nick is going to give his two weeks notice to EMC today. Fingers crossed that he gets fired!

January 3: Milo, Luna, and Joanna begged me to do my dance at snack today. Then they ran over to Ana and tried to convince her to fire me because the dance was so bad it was making it impossible for them to focus on their homework.

January 4: My students asked what my elective this quarter was going to be and I told them all about my detective course. Even though they have only heard about my class, a number of them have already listed it as their second choice.

January 5: Luna won the raffle and choose to be my assistant this week. She has been leading the class through our transitions with an uncannily good impression of me. She even waited for the students to gather by the door to count them all before dismissing them by yelling, “FREEDOM!”.

January 6: In the big tent, Nick, Greg, Elaine, and I watched a man contort himself into terrifying loops and knots on the Cirque du Soleil main stage. He looked more like a snake than a person. I couldn’t decide which was more unsettling, the inhuman way he could sit on his own head, or the inhuman way he stared into my eyes as he did so.

January 7: ‘R’s are almost silent in English, which makes it very hard to correctly pronounce words in Spanish. I keep either not rolling my ‘R’s at all, or rolling them way too much until every word sounds like a bad impression of a snare drum.

much love,

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