Sunday, December 24, 2017

a country, a hot tub, and a solid gold hedgehog

December 18: Today’s community circle question was what everyone was going to buy me for Christmas. A few were modest and said cookies while others were more generous and claimed they would buy me a country, a hot tub, and a solid gold hedgehog.

December 19: Last year, Eddie went home with a giant carton of Nutella and a Magic Mike dvd. A lot of people were jealous. Especially since over the years, people have left the White Elephant gift exchange with a paperclips, one pack of batteries, or an empty box.

December 20: Briana won the poetry contest. Her prize was a new soccer ball, a special notebook, and a fluorescent pink pencil. On the first page of her new notebook, she drew a picture of me. It melted my heart until she began pinching people again ten minutes later.

December 21: I know I’m not supposed to judge children’s likes and dislikes, but when one of them claims that Johnny Depp’s Willy Wonka movie was better than the Gene Wilder one, then I can’t be held responsible for my actions.

December 22: Margaret was obsessed with Daniel Radcliffe when we were in high school. There was one day when one of her sisters had a dream where Daniel Radcliffe was speaking directly to her and told her to check all her pant pockets when she woke up. Then he said he was going to go into Margaret’s dream. When they went through all her sister’s pant pockets, they found a scrap piece of paper with half of a phone number. This was the part of the story where Margaret bemoans that she couldn’t remember Daniel’s message in her dream and finish the rest of the puzzle. This is what I love about her. Not once did she just shrug off her sister’s dream or even doubt that Daniel Radcliffe tried to communicate with her. She immediately jumps to the conclusion that it all happened as dream Daniel promised it would and she just forgot.

December 23: It has been an adjustment getting used to Icelandic cuisine. Today, Nick ate fermented shark in a marketplace and we both had course that was dung-smoked at dinner.

December 24: Nick lead us down a rocky path where we used a foot bath-sized hot spring on the beach next to a shack filled with hanging chunks of fermenting shark in a snowstorm. I am not positive that Iceland is real.

much love,

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