Wednesday, May 16, 2018

beautiful and ironic

May 9: I’m not really sure what parents think I do in the after school program, but Kiara’s mom keeps calling me on my cellphone to send her daughter outside so she won’t have to even leave her car to pick her up. Today, she called me twice in two minutes when Kiara took a little too long to get outside after the first call.

May 10: In order to save time, the front office has changed our time cards to an online format which we are asked to turn in five days before the end of every two week period, which means we are forced to predict our hours for the next five weekdays.

May 11: Today the dance teachers returned and issued their non-apologies. When speaking to Melissa, they never said they were sorry and just talked about how in the dance classes they take, they get it much worse. From what Joanna told me, they told the kids that they may say mean things, but they really care about them, essentially blaming the kids for misinterpreting them when they told a room full of elementary school kids to shut up. Again, the words “I’m sorry” were never said.

May 12: The music was a gentle acoustic during “Nobody Knows Me At All”, so the singing from the audience could be heard along with Deb’s voice. When the song ended, she stepped closer to he mic and laughed. “There’s something beautiful and ironic to hear a room full of people sing “nobody knows me at all” together.

May 13: Nick and I called our parents for Mother’s Day. In the ten minute phone call to Nick’s parents, his dad managed to insult the size of our apartment, our dog, and how often we travel. So that was fun.

May 14: Melissa went to the principal of the school, who gave us permission to use the school’s laptops so our classes could type up their books for the Young Authors class. Today, when she went to actually collect the laptops, the librarian refused to let us use them, saying that she didn’t think it was a good idea despite the fact that the same exact kids use them and the after school teachers have been working here for longer than most of the day teachers.

May 15: Jen is desperately trying to get out of jury duty. We brainstormed a few ways for her to do that, including getting caught committing a felony. Ana suggested that she just not show up. Ana has never shown up for a jury duty summons. Then she offered us flex time to lie under oath for her if anyone comes to fine or arrest her for it.

May 16: A new dispute has taken over the school. It is a bad recording of a digital voice. Half the people who hear it think the voice is saying “laurel” and the other half thinks it is saying “yanny”. I hear laurel and every one of my kids hears yanny. I’m pretty sure they think I’m screwing with them because Jimmy has asked me over twenty times if I really don’t hear yanny.

much love,

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