Wednesday, February 28, 2018

fishing children out of a dumpster

February 22: Today’s journal question was about what qualities one should look for in a friend. Gwendolyn’s answer was finding people who could kick Ms. Heather’s butt.

February 23: After I clocked out, I had to fish children out of a dumpster. Once a month, the school has a giant roll off dumpster dropped off in the front yard. They usually get it delivered after school lets out, but tonight was family spaghetti dinner night. I found a dozen kids swarming all over it and one trapped inside because there’s a built-in ladder on the outside, but none on the inside.

February 24: Sometimes when I’m sad, I look up the bloopers from Young Frankenstein on YouTube. Gene Wilder’s rambunctious laugh always makes me feel like my soul is wrapped in warm blankets.

February 25: We plugged in the electric blanket this weekend, which may have been a mistake. It is now even harder to get out of bed in the morning.

February 26: I downloaded Citizen, which updates me to all the crime happening nearby. I got it as a warning signal to keep my students safe at school, but now I spend my time reading about a man who brandished an axe during an argument over a parking spot, complaints about a religious group chanting too loudly and woman sprayed by man’s sneeze in BART train.

February 27: There was slime drama at the school today that resulted in five people crying at recess. It makes me laugh to think of how they will feel when they look back on this one day far into the future and remember how strongly they felt about a gloopy mixture of glue and borax.

February 28: We hit a new record today. My class owes me 25 minutes of practicing lines at recess after how they acted when someone pulled the fire alarm.

much love,

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