Wednesday, May 31, 2017

taco wednesday

May 29: Katie took us on the dirt path through the lemon grove that she walks Dobby on everyday. Lemons littered the ground, many of them fragrantly fermenting in the soil. I thought vaguely about picking one up and throwing it at Nick, but then my eye caught a sign: “Don’t throw the lemons. They really don’t like it.” It was completed with a little symbol of a lemon with a giant frown and movement streaks following behind.

May 30: Katie lives in a spy movie. She was assigned to figure out how a certain business could be infiltrated by someone who did not work there so that her company could make suggestions on how to boost their security. Her job that day included her stealing lanyards to fake having an ID, timing exactly how long it takes for her to reach a self-locking door before it closed behind an employee, and blending in by eating someone’s yogurt in the break room fridge.

May 31: In Joshua Tree, everything is familiar but slightly different in a way that makes me feel uneasy. Their markets are decorated with life-size plastic cows and the local Mexican restaurants celebrate Taco Wednesday.

much love,

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